You might have seen ads popping up on Television creating unique awareness on tooth sensitivity. It has raised awareness on the symptoms of sensitive teeth and you have wondered about what it is all about. This teeth sensitivity is referred to as dentin hypersensitivity by the dentists. If sensitivity is identified, never treat this as a minor irritation, as it can lead to several other dental problems if left untreated.

Toothache and inflammation of the gums are amongst common dental complaints in India apart from dental decays. And like dental delays, the sensitivity of teeth is likely to affect people of all age groups irrespective of genders. However, this condition is often misinterpreted by many.
Understand about teeth sensitivity
When your tooth is exposed to certain thermal or chemical stimuli there occurs a sudden sharp pain and this condition is often termed as teeth sensitivity. This means that the tooth pain occurs when there is exposure to foods that are hot or cold or foods that have citrus content. When anyone with teeth sensitivity take these foods there can be mild to sharp pain and discomfort.
What causes sensitive teeth?
Dentin otherwise known as an inner layer of teeth is not exposed in people with healthy teeth. The enamel that acts as a protective cover protects the inner part of the teeth from acidic and hot foods and bacteria that resides in the mouth. This strongest material of the human body erodes over a period of time due to various conditions causing the inner layer “dentin” to expose.
When dentin is exposed, small pores on the surface of it also falls to external influences such as foods beverages and vapor. Since dentin is extremely sensitive to stimuli, it leads to pain and discomfort.
What causes erosion of enamel?
Intense brushing
Many have the feeling that intense brushing ends up in cleaner and whiter teeth. Not only that it is not productive but yields negative results as well. Brushing too hard and in wrong ways can result in abrasion, erosion of enamel, injury to gums, inflammation of gums and receding gums. Without a doubt, it can be affirmed that intense brushing is one of the reasons for the erosion of enamel.
Bruxism is excessive grinding of teeth. The reasons for bruxism can be psychological reasons, medical reasons or any kind of neurological problems. It leads to headache, jaw pain, enamel erosion, and teeth mobility and this is another cause of sensitive teeth.
Receding gums
Receding gums happens when the gum tissue wears off and exposes the inner part of the tooth. This makes the tooth to appear longer and often lead to damage of the tooth, gum tissues around and the bone structures. Poor dental hygiene, smoking or use of chewing tobacco and crooked teeth causes hypersensitivity of the teeth and inflammation of gums.
Fractured tooth
Another reason for teeth sensitivity is fractured or cracked teeth. The fracture tends to expose the inner layer of the teeth. Trauma or injury cause tooth sensitivity as it exposes dentin. Other causes of sensitive teeth include dental procedures which cause temporary teeth sensitivity and conditions like acute gingivitis.
Diagnosis Through in-depth dental examination the diagnosis for tooth sensitivity begins. The dental examination looks out for fractured teeth, presence of receding gums, dental decay, and other conditions. Once the depth of sensitivity is confirmed, preventive care and treatment will be prescribed by your dentist. If you are based in Dearborn, Michigan, you can avail the best dental treatment from the leading dentist Lakewood Dental Smile. Depending on the severity of teeth sensitivity they advise suitable treatment option that is acceptable to you.